Thursday, October 4, 2012

The Most Gorgeous Day is the Day We Wake Up To Our Divine Selves

When we realize who we are, it is a most Divinely Timed, Planned, and mostly, a Beautiful Thing Indeed

This is the third time that I have changed the title of this blog, and this time the web address has been changed as well.

I have a whole lot of reasons as to why I do the things that I do, and while I cannot sit here and tell you every one of them, the one thing that I know is the truth of me, at least, is that I know and I now recognize when change is upon me. I was confirmed of this Knowing yesterday after having spoken to the women from whom I rent studio space to teach Spiritual Knowledge to other abuse survivors. I was ready, I find, to teach hula the way that I thought I wanted to, at least when it comes to teaching entire families. While it might be truth that I technically know what I am doing, and while it is that I have great communication with children in general, the fact of the matter is that at this point in time it is not the children who I must help but the women with whom I share much.

Yes, soon, I know, there will be a need for a children's class, because I know that when there is a need for the mother or the woman in charge in a familial setting to be counseled and Loved and shown and told that she is okay, that she is safe in the arms of the Universe, welcomed in the family of people who my fellow teachers and healers who help me with Na Hula O Ka Wahine 'Ui Sunday Hula, that she never really left who she truly is, there soon will be the need, by the children of these women, some sort of sense made out of what they have been witness to. I could be way, way upset about this, but I am not. I am not upset because apparently God knows that there is a bigger reason than scheduling that has brought this about, and I know, too, that when a thing is Divinely Timed and Planned, no matter how many times we try our damnedest to make what we THINK we want to happen, while it could and even will happen, what it is that we think we want and what appears - it won't fulfill us. It will never fulfill us because when we seek things that we want and we seek outside of ourselves, the things that come to our lives are not the things that we need.

The Power of Manifestation only works all the time, which is the reason that we need very carefully to really be sure about what it is that we want in our lives. What I wanted when I first bore the thought of restarting Hula is so far removed from what I ended up with, and what I ended up with is so much more comforting to me in that God always knows what it is that we need, way more than what it is that we think we need. What we need and what we want normally are two different things. When we want something it is fleeting, but when we are Desirous of something is when the real fun begins.

When we are Desirous of something we are desiring it from the middle of our Souls, and I know that when a woman has been abused, the only thing that she truly Desires is to be Whole again. Thing is, when we are the victim of someone else, and when we are told who we are, and when we think and believe what we are told - while it seems far-fetched that I would say so - THAT is when the truest Desires of our Souls is brought to us. When we are abused we are Desirous of Peace, Calm and the restoration of our Selves. I did not realize this until yesterday, did not think for one moment about why some things take more time than others, why some situations, even though my impatient Piscean brain does not want it this way, require patience (because there are things along the way to that thing or those things that HAVE TO take place for those manifestations to not only happen but also so that they are permanent...duh, Roxanne...did Melody not tell you this again and again, you hard headed Barracuda?)

So, I want to be the very first one to welcome you to this, the most Gorgeous Day of Your Life!!

Welcome to it, folks !!! I won't lie and tell you that the Path is easier now, because it isn't.

However, do not let that deter you from your Dreams. More than that, do not let it deter You from Your Very Sacred and Divine True Self !!

I Love You All!

Meets Sundays from 1:30 until 3:00 P.M. at
2805 Metropolitan Place
Pomona, CA 91767

Click Here to Contact Reverend Roxie about Sunday Hula!

(c)2012-Roxanne K. Cottell, all rights reserved. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey there feral kitten! Yes, Yes and Hell Yes! And you're no more hard headed than I am, chica. Stop with the self flagellation already, unless you're into that sort of thing. Then, continue at will.

    And thanks so much for the link!

    Huge happy shiny puppy hugs!

