Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Warrior's Path is Lighted by The Violet Flame

'Tis the Violet Flame which Lights the Path

I am talking to you.

You whose heart has been smashed into a million tiny pieces, and you who has been shamed and humiliated and loathed. You whose life has been turned inside, out and upside, down and you who feels like he has been owned. You who has hidden her light so as to meld with the darkness, and you who has fought until your fingers hurt and your soul bled.

I am talking to you, the ones who fight on everyday, against an enemy who you cannot conquer, and a foe who seems impossible. It is you. You are the Warrior, the one who was chosen to walk the path of unease, and the path of the impossibly impossible way. You are the Warrior, the one who chose the battle and the war and you who ran headlong into the fracas and you, ultimately you who comes out the victor each time.

NEVER forget your place in the Universe. It is an important place, yours is, and it is a place that only you can fill. You, who has cried through blackened eyes and a bruised soul, who has scaled the mountain and tumbled down it only to pick yourself up and start right back up the mountain again. It is you. You are who makes you the fighter, of injustices placed upon those of us, like me, like you, who have only been seen at our weakest point.

What others do not realize, what they cannot see is the Warrior who you really are. You fall, and you get back up. You cry, and then you stop to wipe the tears, and through the blurred vision which is born through the pain, you battle on, not worrying about who it is who will see you, and not interested in much else than your place in life, which is that of the Warrior, and this, my Love, is the Warrior's Path upon which you trek.

It is the Path lighted by you, for you are the Violet Flame come to life, and you are the breath and the life that is the spark of creation, and the spark that is given to the raging fire which glows purple and hotter than the blueness that was the pain which beat heavily in your heart and soul, and all the while, you knew then what you know now, and what you know now is that which you must know, for this is the Path you chose and for which you were chosen.

You have fought and won, and you have fought and lost, but never did you quit. You never ever gave up the fight, no matter what.

You are the Violet Flame. You are the Warrior whose path is lighted by your own brightness, your own light...


Monday, October 14, 2013

Your quiet strength

"Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5)

There is a lot that is said in terms of people just not thinking that being a quiet yet strong person is somehow not the absolute picture of what is truth in strength. 

What anyone goes through causes them to build themselves from the inside, out. It is from the inside, out that the most damages that have been done can also be undone. It is not that you were ever weak, because meekness is not weakness. Being meek has been given the worst verbiage that it will take a whole lifetime for anyone to rearrange the thoughts in another person's head to maybe make it a lot easier for someone who has survived certain atrocities in their own life enough to realize that it was never that they were, that you were, that we are, weak, because the dictionary's definition of "meek" is written as "...characterized by patience and long-suffering..." (Webster's Dictionary and Thesaurus, 2006).

Blessed are those of us who never allowed the fire within to go out, no matter how many times people came along and into our lives and specifically tried to make it believable that what anyone has ever gone through was somehow not meant, was somehow not something that would turn them into this polished jewel that they have become.

Blessed are those who, battle scarred an war-torn, in their meek and physically weakened or ailing state, for theirs is the entire Universe. 

Blessed are those who have had their hearts broken, their dreams crushed, their very Spirits trampled by the things that collectively make us all want to cry, all want to rage in an outward manner, all want to point a finger at those who should have and likely knew better. Blessed are those who have little, because their strength is much. Blessed are those whose only mission in life is to be at peace with the world in which they find themselves, even if that world is at odds with itself. 

Blessed are those who find themselves choosing between here and there, now and then, up and down, left or right, because it is in their indecision that they will find their direction in life, their way, the Path upon which they must travel.

Blessed are those who are the pariah, the ones who Love and whose Love is not the one that is readily accepted, even now, when there is no reason for hatred for those who are not like everyone else. The truth is that everyone else is wrong, but that you Love without fear and without reservation is a testament to the meekness that you had forced upon you, the quietness that made you a slave unto the masses, even if only to keep yourself safe from the wolves which chose to prey on your Soul and make you pay for their own quiet sins, the very same ones that you were willing to let know were yours, and the very ones that you were not ever required to make amends for. 

Blessed are those who have been beaten down, who have been the target of people who should have known better, and who now cannot undo what has been done and who cannot make things right because the only way to make them right is to make them right with the people who said person who was attacked has, without choice, left behind. 

Blessed are those who are called "strange," "weird," "not right in the mind," "crazy," because it is these very ones who are the creators among us, the ones who have always dealt with the crushing blows by a societal orderliness which only allows us to color "inside the lines," when creativity is not about staying in line with what is expected. Creativity is about creating. Creativity is the life blood of EVERYTHING and it is those who are not very creative who seem to think that what people like the weirdos and the artists and the poets and the musicians are somehow just not right in the mind. It is not that we create that makes them worry about us, call us strange and useless, but is, instead, the threat that creativity and the creation of reality rests in the hearts, minds, and hands of people like me. 

Blessed are all of those of us on this planet who have been beaten down emotionally, who have had the luck as well as the misfortune of having had to deal with bullies, haters and mean people, because it is the experiences we have had with them that took us from being akin to coal, which is useful, to a sparkling gem, which is priceless. 

Blessed are all of those of us who have suffered in what the world deems as weakness. Being meek is not just something given. It is earned. You earned it. You went through hell. 

You survived.

Blessed are the meek, for it is not only the world in which we live that they will inherit, but the very Universe, as well.

I Love You All !


Help The Sisterhood Of The Soul tell the world that Domestic Violence and Emotional Abuse are the reasons that we have so much violence in our communities. Violence at home breeds violence in our communities.  Please visit, "like" and "share" the PROJECT:Shades page on Facebook.

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Violet Flame

You are the representation of The Violet Flame

When I started this blog it was filled with a lot of angry energy. If you went backwards to the beginning of it, you would notice that over time, as much as I have evolved, so has this blog. It went from confessional, to testimonial, to venting and ranting, to silence and now, to this. 

This would be what my version, perhaps my interpretation of what The Violet Flame is. 

It is the Voice that no one but you can hear, and not with your ears, but with your Soul, and is the part of you that is never accusatory, does nothing to make you hurt. Will not ever abandon you or leave you with no means of Soul survival. 

You are the Violet Flame, are the very Fire in The Belly of The All That Is. It is because of your One Light that is added to all of the rest of the Light in the Universe that there are people who share air with us all and who need us to be that Light, that Voice in the distance, the one lone voice in the wilderness that is Life. 

It is You, You Who has battled the ghosts from the past, the ugliness of right this moment, and the fear of the future, who has bothered to care, not only about others, but about yourself that has made it so that you would be able to shine brightly in the dimness that is confusion, that is all of the pain illuminated within you. While it was that you believed that the illumination of your Soul was the glaring light from shame, it wasn't. 

It was that the fire burned hot enough within to make it known to you that indeed, You Are the Violet Flame. 

When you thought and believed that the madness would never end, there you were, in the mirror, looking back at yourself through the windows of the Soul that are the eyes and through the grief that was brought to you through a "happier means," or at least what was supposed to be, at the very least, happy. Regardless, you went through all of that so that you could be here, right now, to find out that indeed, it was not that someone stamped out your fire, but that it was embers which never went out, and the embers that continued to be the thing that you hoped for, because within the energy that was the heat of the fire in manifest through the embers that could be called your will, your strength and your Truth of Being, you are here, you are now, and you are really and truly the manifestation of what is The Violet Flame.

It was the broken heart that you thought would never heal that brought out of you the energy that is The Violet Flame, and it was the crushed Spirit and weary Soul within you that made you take notice, not of who you were not and never were, but who you know and what you know you have never not been, and you have never not been a shining example of Love, of patience, of the ability to Love, even to the point where it was unreasonable or even safe for you. You stayed, not because of anything other than the fear that was there. The fear was real. The weakness, real. 

Yet, so, too, were the embers which remained to glow within you, was the energy that was the Warrior within, the one who would remain and battle for you and in your place. Her face was the same as yours, but you were not this person who someone else told you that you were. You were, instead, a Strong One in Manifest. You needed to polish your shield and sharpen your weapons, for yours was not the battle that was outside of you only, but also within. It was within where the lies were forced to be the truth that you never believed, and it was the dull ache that you kept alive within and that prodded you on and on, to glow into the Forever that is the Universe, the Universe that has always been your Home. 

You have nothing to fear, and no need to be worried that you are not every bit as wonderfully glowing as you have been told you are. 

You are The Violet Flame....and You wear it well !! 

Aloha ...I Love You All !

Help The Sisterhood Of The Soul tell the world that Domestic Violence and Emotional Abuse are the reasons that we have so much violence in our communities. Violence at home breeds violence in our communities.  Please visit, "like" and "share" the PROJECT:Shades page on Facebook.

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Operation SoulShine and The Scott Miks Foundation