...because every woman is a beautiful woman...
If there is anything that any survivor of domestic and emotional abuse can tell you, it is not an easy thing to come back to your real Self once it is that you have been victimized by someone else. No matter what, every abuse survivor will agree, when you are someone else's victim, you lose yourself.
You lose yourself in the thinking that what someone else told you that you are is the truth of you. You lose yourself to the madness of trying all the time to be the best that you can be for someone else, and it never is good enough. You lose yourself, period. And it is the hardest thing to do to come back to who you are. I know this because I lived it. I made it through it. I Know exactly Who I Am, and Who I Am is not who I was told I am.
For a long time I felt ugly, inside and outside, and then one day I took a good long look at me in the mirror and realized that the reason I felt this way was because I allowed someone else's thought about me also be the same thought that I had about me, even though I always knew better. I have always known that beauty and being beautiful is something that comes from within, is the Aloha Spirit within us all. I was told for many years that Aloha doesn't matter, that Love is nothing without the trappings that come with the proverbial "Glamorous Life."
I Promise you all that there are not more untrue words than the ones that we are told. And we are told these things because of someone else's bitter truth, someone else's belief of things, someone else's fear and pain. As a survivor of abuse, I know this pain, and I know what it is like to have to walk a mile, not even in my own shoes, but shoes which were never mine, and more than that, I was forced, by both him and by me, to walk a path that was not the one I am currently on. The one that I am currently on is one of my own choosing, and all survivors of domestic and emotional abuse eventually make this same decision. The only way that they do not is that they die....either Spiritually or physically, which, if you die a little inside everyday in a Spiritual way, most surely, as my own abuser knows, the body follows.
A Spiritual Spa Day - Na Hula O Ka Wahine 'Ui
While I might not be the most conventional person and neither conservative, I am One Thing Above all else - I am very filled with the Truest Measure of the Spirit Of Aloha. There is no one who knows me who will disagree with this. Not one person. It is the "Law," by which I Live, that of the Aloha Spirit Law This is the tenets by which I live my life daily, this and the tenets of Ho'oponopono, or, "to make right." .
My Sunday Class, Na Hula O Ka Wahine 'Ui, is all about returning to the Divine Feminine within, about the Power which each woman has within her and inherent to her and within her via the Grand Universe. Women are more powerful than we even can begin to know. It was not until I thought about it and realized that beauty, in and of itself, is power and that ALL WOMEN possess just this sort of power within us all. This is not "girl power" because that sort of power is very different. The Power that is Woman is the Power like that of the Universe, because the Universe itself is constantly changing and evolving and more, birthing more and more energy everyday, every minute of the day, all day long. When we think of this in terms of giving actual birth to a human being, we see that women are birthing children 24 hours a day, all around the world, each and every minute of the day.
To bring a human life into the world is proof of our possessing a greatness of power, of strength, of all that Is. Yet, throughout history we have been vilified, have been turned into evil sirens whose only wish is to become man eaters - this is not the truth of us. While there may be women on the planet who abuse their own beautiful and Divinely placed Power, Know now that there is a way out of being and staying this sort of woman. There is nothing beautiful about a woman who has this Power and who uses it only for her own gain. There is a big huge difference in Knowing that you have the Power to create your own life and bring about healing, and knowing that there is this power within us that can be abused and can be turned against others - normally men. We are taught to think in terms of "Us Versus the Guys," when in fact and indeed we are here in unison, to be and to live within the very Spirit of Lokahi. But due to our own misguided thinking about things in terms of men and women, we fail large because we are so worried about being hurt again that we immediately are on the defensive, immediately making this new person or set of people aware that they are not trusted, and that, my friends, is not fair.
It is not fair to bring our pain to other people and expect them to pay for the sins of other people, and it is not fair that we think that somehow, they hold the keys to our healing - they don't. Only we do. Only we can heal our own broken hearts and battered souls, and only we have the very power to do so. Problem is, no one tells us this. No one in our lives who is responsible for making it known to us that we are exactly who we are supposed to be at the time in our lives that we are meant to be whatever it is that we are at that time will take responsibility for who we are. That is our job, and when it is that we have found ourselves making it so that other people carry our weight for us, it is also time for us to know, too, that we are at the crossroads of being who were thought we were and being who we really are. This is not something that happens overnight, and you will have many, many tears, many nights awake, and many nights pondering the idea that you know who you are and you know, too, that you want to change. You want to change and you know you do. I knew I did and so I started doing what I needed to do to heal myself.
Now, I am sharing that with other survivors. Now it has become my Purpose in Life, my Mission, to impart onto other women the way to tap the Divine Feminine within. Now is the time that we must come together to concentrate this very power and turn it into the tool by which those who are lost can find their way through the darkness that is the ugliness caused by abuse.
This class, Na Hula O Ka Wahine 'Ui, is the proverbial Love Child borne of abuse, of the monsters which live only within, even as there is usually a monster also on the outside who is not us. It is not who we are. It is the result of someone else constantly telling us who we are and never giving us the right to be ourselves because to them, who we are isn't important and we are only in their lives to make their lives appear to be beautiful when in reality their trying to mold us into something that is not the truth of us literally kills us and them. We are the only ones who can save ourselves, and this is truly what Sunday Hula is all about. Sunday Hula is about our coming back to a place, together and singly, so that we can radiate the Light that is from within.
When we can behold the Light from Within, it is at that point when we are able to also see that we are very Powerful, that there is nothing in this lifetime that can make the monsters go away other than our very selves. This is powerful. This is what we were born to be - a power unto our very selves.
Come to Hula on Sundays...we will help guide you back to your Self, will help make it so that you will Know for real and for sure just how absolutely beautiful and powerful you truly are...
I Love You All !!
Na Hula O Ka Wahine 'Ui (The Dance of the Beautiful Woman)
First Class starts at 1:30 P.M. , Sunday, October 7th, 2012
2805 Metropolitan Place
Pomona, CA 91767
Located off of Bonita and Between Garey and White Ave, above the 10 Freeway and below Foothill Blvd and the 210 Freeway
Click here to contact the instructor about class pricing or anything else, for that matter
If there is anything that any survivor of domestic and emotional abuse can tell you, it is not an easy thing to come back to your real Self once it is that you have been victimized by someone else. No matter what, every abuse survivor will agree, when you are someone else's victim, you lose yourself.
You lose yourself in the thinking that what someone else told you that you are is the truth of you. You lose yourself to the madness of trying all the time to be the best that you can be for someone else, and it never is good enough. You lose yourself, period. And it is the hardest thing to do to come back to who you are. I know this because I lived it. I made it through it. I Know exactly Who I Am, and Who I Am is not who I was told I am.
For a long time I felt ugly, inside and outside, and then one day I took a good long look at me in the mirror and realized that the reason I felt this way was because I allowed someone else's thought about me also be the same thought that I had about me, even though I always knew better. I have always known that beauty and being beautiful is something that comes from within, is the Aloha Spirit within us all. I was told for many years that Aloha doesn't matter, that Love is nothing without the trappings that come with the proverbial "Glamorous Life."
I Promise you all that there are not more untrue words than the ones that we are told. And we are told these things because of someone else's bitter truth, someone else's belief of things, someone else's fear and pain. As a survivor of abuse, I know this pain, and I know what it is like to have to walk a mile, not even in my own shoes, but shoes which were never mine, and more than that, I was forced, by both him and by me, to walk a path that was not the one I am currently on. The one that I am currently on is one of my own choosing, and all survivors of domestic and emotional abuse eventually make this same decision. The only way that they do not is that they die....either Spiritually or physically, which, if you die a little inside everyday in a Spiritual way, most surely, as my own abuser knows, the body follows.
A Spiritual Spa Day - Na Hula O Ka Wahine 'Ui
While I might not be the most conventional person and neither conservative, I am One Thing Above all else - I am very filled with the Truest Measure of the Spirit Of Aloha. There is no one who knows me who will disagree with this. Not one person. It is the "Law," by which I Live, that of the Aloha Spirit Law This is the tenets by which I live my life daily, this and the tenets of Ho'oponopono, or, "to make right." .
My Sunday Class, Na Hula O Ka Wahine 'Ui, is all about returning to the Divine Feminine within, about the Power which each woman has within her and inherent to her and within her via the Grand Universe. Women are more powerful than we even can begin to know. It was not until I thought about it and realized that beauty, in and of itself, is power and that ALL WOMEN possess just this sort of power within us all. This is not "girl power" because that sort of power is very different. The Power that is Woman is the Power like that of the Universe, because the Universe itself is constantly changing and evolving and more, birthing more and more energy everyday, every minute of the day, all day long. When we think of this in terms of giving actual birth to a human being, we see that women are birthing children 24 hours a day, all around the world, each and every minute of the day.
To bring a human life into the world is proof of our possessing a greatness of power, of strength, of all that Is. Yet, throughout history we have been vilified, have been turned into evil sirens whose only wish is to become man eaters - this is not the truth of us. While there may be women on the planet who abuse their own beautiful and Divinely placed Power, Know now that there is a way out of being and staying this sort of woman. There is nothing beautiful about a woman who has this Power and who uses it only for her own gain. There is a big huge difference in Knowing that you have the Power to create your own life and bring about healing, and knowing that there is this power within us that can be abused and can be turned against others - normally men. We are taught to think in terms of "Us Versus the Guys," when in fact and indeed we are here in unison, to be and to live within the very Spirit of Lokahi. But due to our own misguided thinking about things in terms of men and women, we fail large because we are so worried about being hurt again that we immediately are on the defensive, immediately making this new person or set of people aware that they are not trusted, and that, my friends, is not fair.
It is not fair to bring our pain to other people and expect them to pay for the sins of other people, and it is not fair that we think that somehow, they hold the keys to our healing - they don't. Only we do. Only we can heal our own broken hearts and battered souls, and only we have the very power to do so. Problem is, no one tells us this. No one in our lives who is responsible for making it known to us that we are exactly who we are supposed to be at the time in our lives that we are meant to be whatever it is that we are at that time will take responsibility for who we are. That is our job, and when it is that we have found ourselves making it so that other people carry our weight for us, it is also time for us to know, too, that we are at the crossroads of being who were thought we were and being who we really are. This is not something that happens overnight, and you will have many, many tears, many nights awake, and many nights pondering the idea that you know who you are and you know, too, that you want to change. You want to change and you know you do. I knew I did and so I started doing what I needed to do to heal myself.
Now, I am sharing that with other survivors. Now it has become my Purpose in Life, my Mission, to impart onto other women the way to tap the Divine Feminine within. Now is the time that we must come together to concentrate this very power and turn it into the tool by which those who are lost can find their way through the darkness that is the ugliness caused by abuse.
This class, Na Hula O Ka Wahine 'Ui, is the proverbial Love Child borne of abuse, of the monsters which live only within, even as there is usually a monster also on the outside who is not us. It is not who we are. It is the result of someone else constantly telling us who we are and never giving us the right to be ourselves because to them, who we are isn't important and we are only in their lives to make their lives appear to be beautiful when in reality their trying to mold us into something that is not the truth of us literally kills us and them. We are the only ones who can save ourselves, and this is truly what Sunday Hula is all about. Sunday Hula is about our coming back to a place, together and singly, so that we can radiate the Light that is from within.
When we can behold the Light from Within, it is at that point when we are able to also see that we are very Powerful, that there is nothing in this lifetime that can make the monsters go away other than our very selves. This is powerful. This is what we were born to be - a power unto our very selves.
Come to Hula on Sundays...we will help guide you back to your Self, will help make it so that you will Know for real and for sure just how absolutely beautiful and powerful you truly are...
I Love You All !!
Na Hula O Ka Wahine 'Ui (The Dance of the Beautiful Woman)
First Class starts at 1:30 P.M. , Sunday, October 7th, 2012
2805 Metropolitan Place
Pomona, CA 91767
Located off of Bonita and Between Garey and White Ave, above the 10 Freeway and below Foothill Blvd and the 210 Freeway
Click here to contact the instructor about class pricing or anything else, for that matter

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